Directory Linux 6 L-5

টিউন করেছেনঃ | প্রকাশিত হয়েছেঃ 4:32 AM | টিউন বিভাগঃ

[root@cslit~]#cd /
[root@cslit/]#mkdir rhel6
[root@cslit/]#cd rhel6
[root@cslit rhel6]#ls
[root@cslit rhel6]#touch test1
[root@cslit rhel6]#ls
[root@cslit rhel6]#cp /etc/passwd /rhel6/userlist
[root@cslit rhel6]#ls
[root@cslit rhel6]#ls -l
[root@cslit rhel6]#cat userlist
[root@cslit rhel6]#cat test1
[root@cslit rhel6]#vim test1
i ---------> INSERT
Esc -------> exit
:x --------> save and exit
:q! -------> exit without save
:w --------> only save
press Esc button
[root@cslit rhel6]# vim test1
 press "i" for insert mode
i am a student
my course name is linux
press "Esc" for exit mode
Press :x for save and quite
[root@cslit rhel6]#  ls
[root@cslit rhel6]# cat test
[root@cslit rhel6]# vim userlist
[root@cslit rhel6]#
yy - one line copy
5yy - 5lines copy
p - paste
dd - one line delete
5dd - 5 lines delete
ctrl+u - undo
ctrl+r - redo
/word name - for search word in this file
:set nu - show number of lines
press "1G" to go first line
press "18G" to go 18th lines
press "G" to go last line
press "nG" to go nth no of lines
[root@cslit rhel6]#

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